Even though I didn't have to post anything else I felt I had to. I needed to close out this chapter in my life reflecting on that day which quite surprisedly, left me feeling emotional. I honestly and truly don't know what came over me. I think listening to Dr Zamora introduce me made everything seem so real. Ever since I started the Masters program I'd attened the synposium for graduating students. Each time I sat in the audience I thought, "I hope my thesis is good enough." Or "Wow every one is so smart." I knew my day was coming. Eventually, I would stand in front of a group of my peers and my own family and do the same thing. So in that moment as I listened to her speak and I was overcome with all sorts of emotions. Feelings of fear, pride, accomplishment and some fear. Below you will find the foreword that I read in class. Foreword There has been so much talk about the education of the students who attend school in New Jersey's larges...
Getting time to get solitude has been nothing less than challenging, but I'm finding the time to make it work in between everything else I have to do. We are a busy family with busy schedules but somehow I make it work. I will find a way to get my work done just as long as I can put a smile on family's face and show them I'm here for them. So I've decided just to take my stolen moments and get out as much as I can until I get interrupted. An update on my manuscript, John told me on Friday that an editor from a publishing company ( I can't publically say the names now) is going to take Black Girl Magic into an acquisition meeting next week. An acquisitions meeting is where editors work as a part of a publishing team to acquire manuscripts. During this meeting, the editor who liked my book will pitch it the other editors hoping they too want to acquire my work which in turn will lead to an offer from them to me. I'm trying not to think about this. As thi...